sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010

Ouçam essa students, e traduzam a letra

kiss me trought the phone

Feira livre do artesanato e alimentação

A ciclovia servirá para eventos esportivos e também pequenas feiras e eventos, de artesanatos e alimentação, mensalmente gerando maior renda à cidade e empregos..

Em cinco anos estimam-se 1,5 milhões de pessoas

Para Londrina e região, chegando deste maneira próxima da segunda maior cidade do sul do país.Pouca estrutura e demora nos prazos serão as principais dificuldades pra anos de prosperidade que chegam ao nosso país..e muita falta de sinalização nas ruas..

quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010

Treine gramática online

O silêncio

"Aprecie em silêncio a vida que vem ao seu encontro a cada momento. Uma tremenda energia que está oculta no presente acompanhaessa silenciosa aceitação, e essa energia encerra abundância, paz, inteligência e criativiade. Essas são as dádivas do silêncio envoltas no espírito da terra."O Mago

terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2010

Oração a charmiene a Harmonia

"É o profundo sentimento de harmonia, peça a charmiene para encontrar a harmonia, torna-se muito mais fácil quando se tem o amor próprio de companheiro".

Curitiba e seus 120 quilômetros de ciclovia...

O planejamento de Londrina está para 50 kilometros, falta bastante heim...

"entretando enquanto você não pedir que o sentido oculto lhe seja revelado, você não poderá decifrá-lo".

"Não espere que o espírito lhe escreva um livro e o leioa para você -- declarou Merlim. A vida é criativa, e o espírito também. Cada pista destinada a você é a feita sob medida para seu nível de consciência. Sinta-se grato por que o espírito permaneceu invisível, logo depois da próxima curva. Fique feliz por poder ser um buscador a vida inteira, porque se o espírito revelasse de uma só vez todos os seus segredos, voce se veria diante de memórias agradáveis, mas de um futuro apático e monótono." Assim as cartas te orientam a encontrar os segredos no dia a dia, e nos valores e relações humanas."Deepack Chopra.


Ótimo side de empregos!!!

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Spell the words

Soletrem, Smell, Perceive, Take care, Journey, World wilde, receive, develop

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Reading texts using past

The English performer Charlie Chplin had many talents: he acted, produced, directed, wrote the scripts for his movies and composed music, too.

Charlie started his artistic carrer when he was a child. He was influenced by his parents, who were poor artists who dreamed of fame and fortune. When he was only five, his mother got mentally sick and his father died. Charlie and his brother became orphans. They lived in orphanages and in the streets on the poor side of London.

After a while, he got an invitation to travel with a children's musical group. When he was 17, he got a job with a show company that went to the USA,. There director Mack Sennet discovered him, and invited him to work at his movie company.

In 1914, Chaplin created his famous acharacter, The Little tramp. He wore a hat and carried a cane, and became the first movie star famous all over the world.

Some of his famous films include The kid and The Gold Rush. Chaplin was a very imporant artist, but he just received two honorary Oscars - the first one, for the film The Circus, in 1928, and another one iin 1972, for the work of his lifetime.

Reading leitura (Past)

A fortune cookie is a cookie made from flour, sugar, butter, vanilla and milk. It is baked in the oven and when the cookie is still hot, it is folded around a strip of paper with a prophecy (or fortune). The message inside the cookies sometimes includes a list of lucky numbers.
Fortune cookis in their current version were first served in California by Asian immigrants who based the cookie on a traditional japanese cracker. Believe it of not, these cookies are not popular in China.

In the USA, fortune cookies are usually served after dessert. But in Japan the original cookie (with no fortune inside) is part of a meal. Some Chinese restaurantes in Brazil offer a free portion of fortune cookies together with the check. It is a polite way to thank the clients.

Even people who don't believe in the message can't resit the predictions of wealth and romance that the cookies bring. Who doesn't like to read something like, "You will find the person of your dreams in the future", or "Money will come your way soon?"

"Will I succeed in life?" and "Will I get married?"are questions that a lot of people ask. People love to guess what the future will bring, and fortune cookies are just one- delicious - ways of predictiog the future.

Exercise using Past using (belly/wrists/head/eyes

She was a child prodigy. She wrote her first song when she was eight. At the age of 13, she signed her first contact with Sony Music ColomBia. When she dances, she shakes her_________________and her long blond hair,. In this picture she is wearing black bracelets around her___________________and a big belt arond her_______________. Her father is of Arabic descent, so she loves Arabic songs and dances. In her video clip_____________like "your" she moves her________________________vigorously and performs belly dance movements. Teenagers and adults around the world love her. Do you know her name?

quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Relaxamento com ondas bilaterais budismo

Complexos vitaminicos

segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010

Read in english, future

"Umm, that chop suey was delicious!
Yes, but here comes my favorite part: the fortune cookies!Mine says,,"you qill hCW qonswedul sY". tHAT'S GOOD!oPEN YOURS, kATE. iT SAYS HERE, "you will have a good surprise today". Great!Let me open mine, too. Ow, it's not so good. It says, "You will have to study a lot this year".Let me read mine. It says, "Yo will find some money on the street".Cool!.
Listen to mine, "Your team will win the finals". How about yours, Monica? What does it say?
It says, "You will have twins".
Again?Oh, no!